(2008-09-22) One Web Day
Today is One Web Day. I may head down to the NYC rally (Live Event), though it may be lame.
Andrew Baron: democratization of media
Dharma Dailey: What does eDemocracy mean? How do we define success? Will it be killed like in broadcast law of 1934.
Gale Brewer, City Council: Digital Divide; WhiteSpaces;
S J Klein (OLPC, Wikipedia): Civic Engagement
Jonathan Zittrain: pro-crap (can't predict what will matter)
John Perry Barlow: EFF suing gov over Telecom Immunity. Giving our descendants the Right To Know
Tim Westergren (Pandora Com Music Genome): Internet Radio under re-negotiation due to public outcry
Larry Lessig: there was more support for the British at the time of the American Revolution then there is now for the US government.
- Open Spectrum! OpenNet! At least do Sharing WiFi!
Oct10: finally got some photos up: FlickR:One Web Day
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