(2008-12-16) Zed Music Physics Language
Zed Shaw is using the Chuck language for mixing music and physics. Sounds promising for Stimulating Learning Projects. Chuck however is good for sound because it understands the one key element that makes music what it is: rhythm... Chuck however gets this, and its concurrency model directly supports it. Other languages don’t really think about time in their concurrency other than to say it must be “FAST!”. Chuck allows you to coordinate “shreds” through use of timing and events in a way that makes things pretty darn easy to code up cooperating threads (ehem “shreds”) of activity. Their examples are damn persuasive when it comes to generating and analyzing sound... That takes a sine wave oscillator, patches it into my Physics engine, and then that goes out to the dac (digital audio converter). The sounds played through the Sin Osc are then altered by the Physics engine depending on where the observer is in relation to the first body. The eventual goal is to be able to wire up as many of these as you like and have their gains all adjusted concurrently, but right now I got one working.
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