(2009-09-11) Zed Moving Nyc To Sf

Zed Shaw has moved from NYC to San Francisco. This is the most important part of my decision to move: Technology in San Francisco is infinitely better than in New York. The companies there get it, the hackers there are into it, and the things they work on are interesting. More importantly, the general feel of the technology scene in SF has almost zero douchebag in it... When it comes down to it, the primary difference between the companies who contacted me in SF vs. NYC is this: NYC prospects were looking for a badass/ninja/rockstar Beta Male "techie" employee to make them rich creating lame applications for giant Finance/Fashion/Marketing companies; SF prospects were looking for a partner (not-really-CoFounder) to get rich with them creating great products for customers. Now obviously the SF companies are all really looking for an employee to make them rich. The difference is in their approach and how they don't say it so blatantly or in such a gigantic douchebag way. Their touch was lighter, more collaborative, and definitely not with the attitude of me being some "Beta Male" to their "AlphaDog". That lack of cocky dickwad douchebag in the SF technology scene will be refreshing and interesting.

Update: he's working for Drop Box.

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