(2010-10-19) Seitz Day In Manhattan
Have a meeting in New York City, so going to fly in early to have Sunday in the City. East Village Side Walk time.
Probable stops (East Village Restaurant picks)
Nha Trang on Baxter St. Salt'n'pepper shrimp, skinny pork chops, vietnamese coffee!
- yummy!
Two Boots pizza (though tempted to head to Rays on 6th Ave)
- nope, came up Mott and got RiceToRiches (Rice Pudding) (feh - i ordered the raspberry and then realized it tasted like overpriced raspberry yogurt)
sit in Union Square, possibly wander in Barnes And Noble
- done in morning!
Baoguette? bummed they moved up to 3rd/20th. didn't bother
Klong for grilled squid legs.
- awesome!
Hmm, place to buy an Android Tablet? J And R supposedly has the Archos7. Nah, wait for next gen.
La Palapa for braised lamb for dinner. (Not in the mood to go fancier, otherwise would go Perilla.)
- too much work, ended up eating late takeout (ribs and nachos)
hmmm, music at Le Poisson Rouge? http://lepoissonrouge.com/events/view/1488 nope sold out
side-point - my old local BenAndJerrys closed down!
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