(2010-10-19) Seitz Day In Manhattan

Have a meeting in New York City, so going to fly in early to have Sunday in the City. East Village Side Walk time.

Probable stops (East Village Restaurant picks)

  • Nha Trang on Baxter St. Salt'n'pepper shrimp, skinny pork chops, vietnamese coffee!

    • yummy!
  • Two Boots pizza (though tempted to head to Rays on 6th Ave)

    • nope, came up Mott and got RiceToRiches (Rice Pudding) (feh - i ordered the raspberry and then realized it tasted like overpriced raspberry yogurt)
  • sit in Union Square, possibly wander in Barnes And Noble

    • done in morning!
  • Baoguette? bummed they moved up to 3rd/20th. didn't bother

  • Klong for grilled squid legs.

    • awesome!
  • Hmm, place to buy an Android Tablet? J And R supposedly has the Archos7. Nah, wait for next gen.

  • La Palapa for braised lamb for dinner. (Not in the mood to go fancier, otherwise would go Perilla.)

    • too much work, ended up eating late takeout (ribs and nachos)
  • hmmm, music at Le Poisson Rouge? http://lepoissonrouge.com/events/view/1488 nope sold out

  • side-point - my old local BenAndJerrys closed down!

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