(2011-04-26) Winer Blork Curry
Dave Winer's "BlorkMark" MicroBlogging/RssAggregator platform has some users now.
Adam Curry is one of them. Twitter is more like IRC than MicroBlogging... So I was wrong in thinking that a decentralized system built around RSS feeds would replicate what twitter actually is... twitter more like a public IRC channel with too many 'nicks'. I think the issue may be more about how Twitter doesn't really work very well once you're following too many people. Your Universal Inbox needs filtering to both prioritize and make it easier to go seeking for something and find the bits that relate to it. It does integrate nicely with the 5% of accounts I want to follow in Blork, as I can set up a twitter list with the handul of accounts that are truly valuable to me and I don't want to miss, and have those flow through Andrew's app straight into my system.
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