(2013-08-15) Falkvinge Swarmwise Book Pirate Party
After having it torrented, Rick Falkvinge is releasing his Swarm Wise book, offering lessons from the Pirate Party, in pieces online. (cf Movement, Swarming, Coalition, Virtual Company, Actionable)
Somewhere today, a loose-knit group of activists who are having fun is dropkicking a rich, established organization so hard they are making heads spin. Rich and resourceful organizations are used to living by the golden rule — “those with the gold make the rules.” New ways of organizing go beyond just breaking the old rules into downright shredding them — leaving executives in the dust, wondering how that band of poor, ragtag, disorganized activists could possibly have beaten their rich, well-structured organization.
A swarm organization is a decentralized, collaborative effort of volunteers that looks like a hierarchical, traditional organization from the outside. It is built by a small core of people that construct a scaffolding of go-to people, enabling a large number of volunteers to cooperate on a common goal (Shared Mission) in quantities of people not possible before the net was available.
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