(2013-08-31) Shallard Commit Action Vs Procrastination
Peter Shallard has been the ShrinkForEntrepreneurs (one client is Michael Ellsberg).
He did a recent interview with Andrew Warner (Mixergy).
He has a site/service called Commit Action (started mid-2012) which is a service to help people fight Procrastination. It's a Coaching service, for $130/mo.
He's defined "4 pillars" to achieve this:
- Specificity of goals - needs to be big enough to connect to a larger Mission, but "What can I move forward, entirely on my own, in this day and this day alone?" (Most Important Task)
- Measurement - Tracking your actions (Gamification, Quantified Self) gets you over the hump of Delayed Gratification before the actual results will become visible. (That assumes the actions are the right path to the results. But certainly no action will probably lead to no results.)
- Accountability - public Commitment)
- Dead Line - set yourself for every action/goal
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