(2014-12-04) Ngai Carol Ryff's Model Of Psychological Well-being

Davadi Ngai: Carol Ryff's Model of Psychological Well-being. Carol Ryff’s model of Psychological Well-being differs from past models in one important way: well-being is multidimensional, and not merely about happiness, or positive emotions. A good life is balanced and whole, engaging each of the different aspects of well-being, instead of being narrowly focused. Ryff roots this principle in Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics, where the goal of life isn’t feeling good, but is instead about living virtuously.

She ended up creating one of the first systematic models of Psychological Well-Being, and her model remain one of the most scientifically verified and empirically rigorous today.1

1) Self-Acceptance

High Self Acceptance: You possess a positive attitude toward yourself

Low Self Acceptance: You feel dissatisfied with yourself; are disappointed with what has occurred in your past

2) Personal Growth

3) Purpose in Life

4) Positive Relations With Others

5) Environmental Mastery

Low Environmental Mastery: You have difficulty managing everyday affairs; feel unable to change or improve surrounding contexts; are unaware of surrounding opportunities; and lack a sense of control over the external world.

6) Autonomy

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