(2018-10-14) Barker How To Have More Energy3 Powerful Secrets From Research

Eric Barker: How To Have More Energy: 3 Powerful Secrets From Research. only 11% said they felt like they had a lot of energy.

Tom Rath summed up their results in his book, Are You Fully Charged?: The 3 Keys to Energizing Your Work and Life.

Happiness without meaning is the physical equivalent of being stressed out.

when we feel we’re making progress in meaningful work we’re 250% more likely to be engaged at the office.

Okay, so how do we find this meaning stuff? Well, you don’t find it. You create it. Research in the area of “job-crafting” shows that if we tweak how we work, we can enjoy a lot more meaning in those hours at the office.

People consistently said that the most positive times in their lives all had to do with belonging and connecting (connection) — not achieving.

When you have positive interactions with people throughout the day your chance of feeling good quadruples.

how do you know if you’re really friends with someone at the office? Ask yourself how much you share your personal problems with each other.

how do you improve all of your interactions? Be 80% positive. Make sure 4 out of 5 things you say or do are about the good stuff, not the bad stuff

small, straightforward actions to make someone smile were far more effective than broad, nebulous attempts to improve overall happiness

Health: Eat better (Good Diet). Move more (Exercise). Sleep longer and deeper. That’s what it takes.

When people exercised moderately for 20 minutes they felt better… for up to 12 hours. So get to the gym early and you can boost your mood for almost the entire day.

Everybody knows about Anders Ericsson’s research that showed it takes (roughly) 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. But that’s not all the study showed. The experts also slept. A lot.

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