(2019-08-27) Kazemi Some Thoughts On Documentation

Darius Kazemi: Some thoughts on documentation. My big news from this month is that I finally formally launched Hometown, my fork (aka modification) of the social network software called Mastodon. (2019-07-09) Tired Of Today's Platforms? Run Your Own Social Media Network

I wanted to give my Patreon backers a little bit of insight into a piece of the project that a lot of people have commented positively on: the documentation!

One of the things I hate about technical projects is when they tell you the what of the project ("xyz is a widget that does abc") and sometimes the how (tutorials, if you're lucky) but don't address the why or the who of things.

I believe that technical writing is also persuasive writing and if you're not giving people an idea of why they should be using your software versus, say, going to the beach, you're not doing a good job.

I was thinking along the lines of the what/why/who rant above and decided to organize things that way! So for each of the important features of Hometown I created a page, and each of those features has three sections...

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