(2020-06-07) Denning Dont Reorganize Run Your Firm As An Agile Network
Steve Denning: Don’t Reorganize: Run Your Firm As An Agile Network. The right question doesn’t start with the organization or its structure at all. It starts with the customer. What does you customer and your market need?
To meet customers’ needs through enterprise agility (business agility), the thinking part of an organization must be run as a network
Ultimately, an organization functioning as a network requires a different way of thinking, a different mindset, from that of administrators in a hierarchical bureaucratic structure. The principle of the network is one of the three fundamental principles of the Agile organization. It is effective only if the other two principles are in place—the principle of the customer—a pervasive obsession in delivering more value to customers—and the principle of the small team—the presumption that work should to the extent possible be done in small self-organizing teams, working in short cycles. (Agility, Context, and Team Agency)
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