(2021-07-10) Antifragile Writing

Antifragile Writing course. How many notes and ideas get aisle, lost, or broken in what we write in our journal, notebooks, drafts, documents. or apps? How many concepts, stories, essays, not only survive the past of time but grow with it, get stronger, and generate new thoughts? Is there a writing capable to gain from the natural disorder of things?

In the middle of the year of living under uncertainty, I wanted a writing system, a writing workflow that not only could survive disorder but get the advantage of it

Things, systems that break or lose with stressors or disorder are fragile.

The interesting thing here is things and systems that not only aren't affected by stressors but grow, gain or get better with them. We call them antifragile, the opposite to fragile.

A model for antifragile things considers stressors as the trigger or detonator for growing or gaining. So, for antifragile writing, you have to find the stressors that make you write more and better.

I started to collect—or recollect because I already have most of them—techniques that could work with it this antifragile writing.

Course Goals

Each participant will develop a workflow for antifragile writing, a writing that embraces disorder, gains with stressors, and grows with optionality.

We’ll take advantage of the most outstanding and newest note-taking apps and personal knowledge management, Roam Research, logseq, Athens Research, RemNote, Obsidian.md, especially suited for making sense of disorder.

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