(2021-11-12) Brander Subconscious Alpha

Gordon Brander: Subconscious app Alpha. I’m closing in on a functional MVP for Subconscious, targeting an alpha in Q1 2022. Short term, the alpha will be a tiny, single-player iOS notes app for self-organizing ideas.

Long-term, I want to build toward a multiplayer tool for thought. Multiplayer social hypertext, built on open web3 protocols. Like Twitter meets Wiki. The internet of ideas.

I recently ran a series of scenario planning exercises exploring the trajectory of forces driving the web3 phenomena

Coming away from this process, I was newly surprised by the uneasy collision of two systems: states and networks.

What does it look like when markets and Turing-completeness intersect?

Network society. Others were asking these questions 20 years ago. Mark C. Taylor’s “Moment of Complexity” opens this way: While moments of radical transformation can never be defined with precision, the collapse of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, signaled a decisive shift from an industrial to an information society.

How do you build things together as a network society? How do you learn together as a network society? Does a network society need tools for networked thought?

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