(2022-02-27) Boyd How I Use Daily Notes In Obsidian

Stowe Boyd: How I Use Daily Notes In Obsidian: the system to create and manage the many threads of my work life: research notes, project information and plans, and tasks.

Prior to using Obsidian, I have used many other platforms, in particular Dropbox Notes, Notion, and Typora

Typora is an excellent markdown editor, but lacks many features that Obsidian has that I make extensive use of these days.

In particular, I developed a task management scheme for markdown that I called Taskora (a nod to Typora). (2021-07-04-BoydTaskoraConvention)

The rich task states of Taskora have been migrated to Taskidian, but this has been updated with the features provided by the Dataview plugin on Obsidian.

This is my Daily Note template, based on the Obsidian Template system.

Note that the Dataview Task results allow for checking off the tasks in place

I just wish I could change the due field date in place, but the results of the Dataview query are not editable in place, other than the task check-off. We will have to wait for true transclusion for that.

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