(2022-05-12) Chicago CTO Summit
Went to the Chicago CTO Summit, run by Peter Bell
Bryan Helmcamp, CodeClimate, CEO alignment
- secret is Great Reporting, to create opportunities for shared fact-based understanding
- including qualitative
- so this serves you: set agenda
- every other department is already reporting, focused on their KPI/OKR
- predictable interval, with context (pairs of offsetting metrics)
- more details for you, not all shared
David Subar (Interna): Product/Engineering alignment
- 2 culture clashes
- between Eng and Product
- between "Biz" and "Tech" - stop thinking that way, they're not 2 separate things!
- tools
- alignment
- measurement
- review
- transparency (honesty, self eval)
- iteration
- "efficiency" as goal is team-local-focused, creates more silos
- align both with (external/real) customer, re what they value, the change you create with them
- don't report efficiency/output metrics up/out
- need outcome metrics, esp customer outcome/change
- Epic Statements clarify Why
- retro your bets re outcome (thinking in bets)
Bjorn Freeman-Benson: Debugging
- esp Debugging in Production, because users have problems
- reality is cruel
- don't be clever (with code that's hard to read)
- be unique (user error msgs, even if sneaky via punctuation)
- Tracing: Open Telemetry. Incl customer id, transaction id https://opentelemetry.io/
- Cloud Logging is Expensive, keep most local, stream last bits to cloud only when something goes wrong
- pre-build your debugging tools (tell customer state, system state)
- pre-build your rollbacks
- separate control plane
- debug in production: telepresence (adds your laptop to production cluster) https://www.telepresence.io/
Charity Majors, Honeycomb.io, fulfilling the promise of Continuous Delivery
- developer sustainability
- DORA metrics
- now 25% of teams are Elite
- great teams make great engineers
- feedback loop, sociotech
- Continuous Deployment, automatic (within 15min) upon Commit
- feature toggles key (but then deployed code doesn't actually run until toggle switched)
- fast deploy maintains mental context (flow)
- observability tooling
- this (shortening feedback loop) doubles your output
Emad Khazraee, turing.com, Science the Product
- data-driven hypothesis testing
- reproducible, peer review
Eleanor Saitta, Security starting from Zero
- think about user risk
- smart language choice ("don't use C for webapps")
- let someone else do auth (for internal access)
- think about where data goes (beware putting PII into logs)
- next level can wait until 10 devs
- every 3rd party SaaS service is a technical debt, try to stay under 50
- real test-restore backups
- use Google SSO and Yubikeys
- avoid Windows/Office
- Jamf laptop mgmt
- Thinkst Canaries for your VPNs https://canary.tools/
- basic log centralization
- governance: fractional CSO to push back on CTO
Lauren Nagel, StackHawk: security service
- DevSecOps: integrate security into DevOps flow, make more continuous
- prioritize fixes
- automated code fixes can break builds, be prepared, make sure changes are traceable
Aaron Beda, Cumberland, Synthesizing Failure
- beware overengineering to prevent failure
- instead design to fail gracefully
- business impact
- temporary: retry
- queues are liberating
- semantic
- patch/fix and move forward
- terminal
- shut down
- most system can settle for Eventual consistency
- reconciliation
Ann Lewis, Next Street, Buy vs Build at Scale
- keeps changing as components become commodities
- overthink framework/architecture decisions because they'll change rarely
- build where you have to control
- build only what you can't buy
- focus on core user needs
- use boring tech
Jay Zeschin, Engineering Superpowers via Serverless
- time is the one thing you can't buy
- to Build is to Bet: we can do cheaper, better, faster than anyone else (buy vs build)
- Focus is the Superpower that improves our Luck
- Serverless isn't about the tech, it's about the mindset (build as little as possible)
- infrastructure, app features (doc mgmt), tooling (Ci/Cd service)
- key practices
- event-driven architecture
- business logic (domain) as glue
- shifting left
Mercedes Bernard (consultant), Trust at Scale
- priority changes are stressful
- John Gottman: small moments
- start hard conversations from curiosity: why are our perceptions different?
- start from Caring
Jonathan Moore, RowdyOrbit, criminal background makes excellent dev
- building neighborhood mesh networks, and local services (air quality) on top of them
- some neighborhoods have 90% incarceration, so local biz has to hire some
- and criminals are often resourceful (reality hacker)
- if you want to hire a convict, work with community organization that supports that person, so that doesn't become your job
Aaron Erickson, OrgSpace, Bad Reorgs
- most reorgs are negative
- some reorgs are necessary
- smaller adjustments are generally better
- what's the goal? So what's the metric? What's the expected change?
- likewise architecture changes
- see Dynamic Reteaming book, Team Topologies
Trace Wax, Artium, the API of your team
- stakeholder, inputs/outputs
- API design metaphors:
- networks, not hierarchies
- cell membranes
- simple, discoverable, flexible
- domain-driven design
- (feels like this doesn't solve the macro incoherence)
Joseph de Castelnau, Chief Data Officer & Founder, Syncresia, You've become a tech leader now what?
- balanced scorecard for professional satisfaction
Mike Stahnke, CircleCI, Beyond the DORA four key metrics
- are we really elite?
- DORA focuses on primary app
- what is elite? "moving fast with confidence"
- what's next?
- deploys/dev/week
- % of work thats unplanned
- narrow (customer value) vs wide (infrastructure)
- are systems easy to work on? (k8s means no)
- normalization/standardization (easy to work on new service): % of code using standard/platform; onboarding days until 5th PR
- my take: if dev is at Elite, next step of improvement probably best driven by product-team integration, rather than getting even better at pure-dev.
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