(2024-04-23) Google Delays Thirdparty Cookie Demise Yet Again
Google delays third-party cookie demise yet again. Google is delaying the end of third-party cookies in its Chrome browser — again
we will not complete third-party cookie deprecation during the second half of Q4.” Google did not outline a more specific timetable beyond hoping for 2025.
This is the third time Google has pushed back its original deadline set in January 2020.
Google’s hit the brakes twice already. And every time, it’s been to give the ad industry more prep time for something that’s been surrounded by a lot of ifs, buts, and maybes.
the CMA raised 39 “concerns” to be addressed before the plan could proceed back in January. And with the U.K. data watchdog, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), voicing its own reservations earlier this month, the plot thickened. Toss in the fact that Google’s own alternatives to third-party cookies (aforementioned Sandbox) left a lot to be desired, and another delay seemed inevitable.
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