(2024-05-05) 50 Completely True Things

50 Completely True Things (specifically about Israel-Palestine)

I am a Palestinian American who is tired of stupid people.

I wanted to share a (not exhaustive) list of 50 useful and indisputable facts on the Palestinian / Israeli conflict.

FACT No. 1.

Some Jews are shitty and awful people.

FACT No. 2.

Some Muslims are shitty and awful people.

FACT No. 3.

Some Christians are shitty and awful people.

FACT No. 49.

Yes, an amazing one-state liberal democracy where Palestinian boys & girls could fuck Israeli boys & girls & make cute babies, & everybody spoke Hebrew & Arabic & we all agreed that hummus and falafel are delicious and Palestinian and sufganiyot are delicious and Israeli would be awesome.

But this wonderful future has about as much chance of happening in the near term as this 5'8" 53-year-old Palestinian has being a starter for the Golden State Warriors. A two-state solution is the only workable one.

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