Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the intelligence of a machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. It is a primary goal of some artificial intelligence research and a common topic in science fiction and future studies. Artificial general intelligence is also referred to as "strong AI",[1] "full AI"[2] or as the ability of a machine to perform "general intelligent action".[3] Academic sources reserve "strong AI" to refer to machines capable of experiencing consciousness.
- would lead "immediately" to ASI? Singularity?
My thoughts (2025)
- I'm not convinced it will ever happen
- but I'm not even clear on the definition, esp how you'd "test" it, esp given how little we "know" about consciousness
older notes (2014)
"hostile AI" (vs alignment)
- Elon Musk is worried
- ref Nick Bostrom Super Intelligence
- see also ref there to Less Wrong discussion about Roko's Basilisk
- Is the Corporation a Hostile AI? Mike Travers (and update)
- or an alien invader?
Thread on examples of AI optimization per specification rather than intent (bad genie, paperclip maximizer)
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