Bret Weinstein

Bret Samuel Weinstein (born February 1969) is an American biologist and evolutionary theorist... Since the 1970s, Evergreen has held a "Day of Absence" event in which minority students, faculty, and staff are invited to absent themselves and meet off-campus for a day to demonstrate their importance to the community. This is followed by a "Day of Presence" with events and workshops open to all.[5][6] In 2017, the school instead asked white students and faculty to stay off the campus during Day of Absence and invite them to attend off-campus events.[5][7][8] In a letter to Evergreen faculty in March of 2017 Weinstein objected to the change, claiming that the event limited people's right to speak based on skin color. Weinstein said that although attending in activities associated with the Day of Absence were not mandatory, a white student who "violated" this request would be subject to charges of racism and therefore the event was forcing students to stay off campus based on their race.[7] The April 12 event was popular with students, with workshop attendance over the 200-person capacity. That month, one of Weinstein's emails on the matter to a colleague was leaked and widely shared among conservative media outlets such as Breitbart, and Heat Street, which prompted threats and harassment towards school officials.

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