Feb'2021 backlinks are focused on monitoring co2 as a proxy for air freshness vs covid-19 exposure risk
any Open-Source Air Quality activity? (I'm less interested in the hardware being open-source than the getting the data shared)
- Jan'2023 thread
- OpenAQ - Particulate and CO, not CO2. Data!
- Open AirGradient - open hardware, supposedly some sort of data sharing but I don't see any.
- Open-Seneca - Particulate not CO2. Data not open?!?
- EnviroMonitor - Community and Open Source air quality monitoring. Particulates, not CO2. looks dead
- MIT Flatburn: “City Scanner” mobile pollution detector, shared some datasets.
- Ribbit: A global network of open-source, low-cost CO2 concentration sensors - shared data -
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BackLinks: 2021-02-14-ThisIsTheSafestIndoorSpaceToPreventTheSpreadOfCovid19AccordingToAMechanicalEngineer | 2021-02-17-HowToQuantifyTheVentilationRateOfAnIndoorSpaceUsingACheapCo2Monitor | 2021-02-17-TheCoronavirusIsAirborneHeresHowToKnowIfYoureBreathingOtherPeoplesBreath | 2021-08-12-ZviMCovid812TheWorstIsOver | 2021-08-19-GuptaCanTheWorldComputerSaveTheWorldPart1WickedProblems | 2022-01-25-BostonPublicSchoolsMonitoringAirQuality | 2022-07-14-ZviMCovid71422Ba275PlusTax | 2022-07-21-ZviMCovid72122FeaturingAspr | 2022-09-29-ZviMCovid92922TheJonesActWaver | 2024-04-17-ZvimChildhoodAndEducationRoundup5 | CarbonDioxide | CO2 | COVID19
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