New Look At Schools
Daniel Greenberg book: A New Look At Schools ISBN:1-888-94703-9
An attempt to design Education around a philosophy of Culture.
Notes (not complete)
- meta: written 1990
- Culture and Value System-s
- Culture = ShareValues system of group of people, and its manifestations
- Value Concept and Value System thinking comes from Max Kadushin
- Key to understanding interactions between meeting Culture-s
- Cultural Pluralism and the US
- Cultural Pluralism is a new Value Concept
- more typical: dominance or co-existence (Austro Hungary)
- CP involves embedding multiple distinct cultures (SubCulture) under a Unifying Culture having a limited/incomplete number of Value Concept-s
- like a Minimal Compact?
- like Separation Of Church And State
- The embedded cultures adjust to be consistent with (yet fuller than) the Unifying Culture
- Consequences
- Resurgence of religion and mysticism
- No distinct US culture "which of and by itself is a complete Way Of Life
- people seeking to fill gaps in Unifying Culture
- Embedded cultures become cut off from their roots
- hence alienation of 2nd-gen immigrants
- Resurgence of religion and mysticism
- Cultural Pluralism is a new Value Concept
- US Value System
- what are the Value Concept-s besides Cultural Pluralism?
- Socio-political democracy (Liberal Democracy)
- Proprietorship - non-global ownership of fruits of labor
- can be individual or sub-group (e.g. CoOp) ownership
- Innovation, Creativity
- Learning in the Context of Culture
- Humans are naturally curious
- The most pervasive form of learning is self-motivated
- Learning through instruction is much less effective
- Because minds cannot meld.
- The most effective version of this is ApprenticeShip
- Most-important form is "creating meaningful structures for handling data"
- Using a structure is called Problem Solving
- The overall mental construct of a person can be called their World View
- The mind is always updating the World View.
- Creating a structure is called Model Building.
- Model Building is the primary form of learning that takes place in every health mind.
- The process of maturation of one's World View is culturally determined
- Your Culture defines maturity/adulthood.
- To see differences in this across cultures, it's convenient to categorize cultures
- Categories
- PreIndustrial
- Industrial (Industrial Age)
- PostIndustrial
- on fundamental aspects of the "style of living" (Life Style?)
- Categories
- 3 Culture-s
- PreIndustrial
- characteristics
- communication is person-to-person without automation (i.e. Pre Gutenberg)
- so few get to experience it (books)
- transportation depends on animal (including human) power
- so few get to travel far
- economy is focused on survival-essentials (food, clothing, shelter)
- few have the Leisure time to spend on other things
- high value on experience
- respect for elders
- communication is person-to-person without automation (i.e. Pre Gutenberg)
- results
- small, focused, intense communities
- inherent harmony with its local environment
- childhood is like being in extended family
- Lifelong Learning is normal; no institutions (schools)
- (except specialized schools for a very few people)
- characteristics
- Industrial (Industrial Age)
- PostIndustrial
- PreIndustrial
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