Use Grid Of Checkboxes Ajax And Webpy To Manage Related Records
- Building WebApp with WebPy and a SQL db
- Have sparse-matrix of records in many-to-many table - generically this is like a typical person/group/membership set of relationships, with a group.owner field
- Want to give group owner a grid of his (multiple) groups and all the persons that are members to at least 1 group, so he can turn various memberships on/off for consistency check.
- Want to provide AJAX interface (using JQuery) so each checkbox change makes immediate change, rather than requiring a Submit button.
- The
method for the display page generates a Cross Tab of the data- Python has a crosstab library, but I just did it myself
- key line is
member_dict[member_row.user_id][member_row.group_id] = 1
- display template turns crosstab member_dict into grid of checkboxes (note it gives each checkbox a unique ID by concatenating the 2 associated component IDs (user and group)
$for group in groups:
<td align="center">
$ check_id = str( + '_' + str(person.user_id)
$if in member_dict[person.user_id].keys():
<input type="checkbox" name="crew" id="$check_id" checked>
<input type="checkbox" name="crew" id="$check_id">
- display template form also has CSRF hidden input
<input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" id="csrf_token" value="$csrf_token()"/>
- a piece of JavaScript in the page passed the checkbox params plus the CSRF value to a handler via AJAX
$$(':checkbox').change(function() {
var isChecked = $$(this).is(":checked") ? 1:0;
url: '/group_member_toggle',
type: 'POST',
data: { strID:$$(this).attr("id"), strState:isChecked, csrf_token:$$('#csrf_token').val() }
method in a WebPy class receives the params and calls appropriate db functions (that part's pretty obvious)
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