(2003-02-07) L P Bush Budget

The Libertarian Party says If you think President George W Bush's Tax Cut-s will save you money, guess again, Libertarians say, because the long-term spending increases in his new Federal Budget outnumber tax cuts by a ratio of 10 to 1... According to a budget analysis by the Cato Institute, Bush plans to increase federal outlays by $89 billion in 2004, $114 billion in 2005, and more than $100 billion in succeeding years, Neale noted... Unfortunately for taxpayers, that's not all. "Bush's projected budget deficit excludes hundreds of billions of dollars in unfunded liabilities, such as Social Security payments," he said. "The military budget is scheduled to grow by $15.3 billion ? but conveniently excludes money for the impending War On Iraq. And Bush's "solution" to runaway Medicare spending involves squandering another $400 billion on it."

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