(2005-06-13) Why Wiki Types

Back in March Chris Dent explained his interest in Wiki as a tool for Augmenting Human Intellect.

Phil Jones recently found that posting and wrote his own thoughts, focusing on his target audience of individuals vs institutions.

Chris Dent now find himself in a similar place: One type is interested in enabling or augmenting the subtle interplay of people found in synchronous encounters, in synchronous settings as well as extended into asynchronous settings. These extroverts are the true and hopeful believers in collaborative action. The other type is more interested in augmenting the individual to allow them to manipulate information so it can be found, created and then distributed in a way that it can be manipulated by others. Introverts in an augmented dialectic. My own predilections, fears and interests place me in the second camp.

I like both the individual's Private Wiki/WikiLog and the team's TeamWiki.

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