Private Wiki
a Wiki run to be written-to and read-by a single individual. See WikiTypes. As of 2020, also referring to this as an Inner Garden.
a NoteBook - aka Private Wiki Notebook
- see my wiki ebook Hack Your Life With A Private Wiki Notebook Getting Things Done And Other Systems - in the "Picking A Wiki For Your Private Notebook" section I recommended TiddlySpace, but that's gone, so recommending Roam and Chris Dent's TankWiki.
- WikiWikiWeb:WikiJournaling
A person might have both a Private Wiki and a PersonalWiki/WikiLog (Multiple Thinking Spaces; Tending Your Inner And Outer Digital Gardens), and pages might float between them. Actually, if I start a page in my PrivateWiki, then decide to make it public, I generally
- cut/paste to public page (assuming want the same name)
- leave the private page for private notes associated with the idea - sometimes I leave the whole copy of the public page, and insert private notes above it, other times I leave only the private notes
- have TwinPages linking from private to public
some WikiEngines tuned for this
- I use my WikiFlux engine for both my WikiLog and PrivateWiki
- I used to use PikiPiki - no security features, but that's ok since I just ran it on my Laptop. I used to use SimpleNote to Data Synch to my Android Tablet, but ran into bugs in that, so switched to Drop Box (synching to my Android phone not tablet).
- 2020: Converting PrivateWiki From Piki To Wikiflux
- Back in the day I ran it as Wiki on Zaurus and then Wiki on N810
- OWL (which has replaced SdiDesk)
- PimKi
- see WikiWikiWeb:PersonalWiki
- here's a Wiki Matrix search which concludes with Bolt Wire, Docu Wiki, and Pm Wiki, partially because I limited it to PHP-based engines which are cheapest/easiest to install on a Hosted Server. You can change that or the other criteria.
- hmm I wonder how easy it is to make a Wikity private?
Or maybe consider a Desktop Wiki
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BackLinks: 2004-01-09-TaekemaWikiAttachments | 2004-11-11-FreemanPrivateWiki | 2005-01-30-JohnsonDevonNotes | 2005-06-13-WhyWikiTypes | 2006-06-20-ChuaMoleskinNotebooking | 2006-07-06-JonesWikiKeychain | 2006-08-31-BernsteinWikisymPrivateWiki | 2006-12-12-LargePdaDesire | 2007-12-17-TimeForFancyMobile | 2008-11-16-ObamaGiveUpEmail | 2008-12-31-WilsonMobileReadingWriting | 2009-05-07-MacBookPerformanceProblems | 2009-09-20-TimeForNewMobile | 2009-11-04-MozillaRaindrop | 2010-07-23-ArchivingMyTweets | 2011-01-01-CurrentInfoMgmtThoughts | 2011-07-20-ArchosAndroidPrivateWiki | 2012-02-16-LocalSisterSitesHack | 2012-03-29-FbreaderHighlightsControl | 2012-04-24-CurrentEducatingKidsThoughts | 2012-07-13-SimplenoteAndNotationalvelocityDumpingLocalNotes | 2012-10-06-SimpleNoteSynchWithPython | 2013-01-07-WeeklyLog | 2013-09-30-JonesPrivateWikiNotebookDialogue | 2014-01-07-TryingDropboxSynchForPrivateWiki | 2015-10-01-ModStagnantCanDigitalBooksEverReplacePrint | 2017-04-15-UpdatingWikiGraphDb | 2018-11-15-BooksVsTweets | 2019-08-29-ConstantinHowToMakeAMemex | 2020-01-08-EliasonRoamWhyILoveItAndHowIUseIt | 2020-05-17-IntegratingImagesAndFilesIntoWikiFlux | 2020-05-19-MatherPersonalWikis | 2022-05-26-MyToolsForThoughtTalk | AddYourReadingsAndIdeasToYourPrivateWikiNotebook | AIML | BecomingARealityHacker | BillSeitzWritingToolHistory | BlogBit | CloningZwikiWithMoinmoin | ConvertingDataFromN810ToNexusOne | ConvertingPrivateWikiFromPikiToWikiflux | DigitalGarden | DjanGo | DropBoxBasedWiki | DropSync | EverNote | FractalDimensionOfAHypertextSpace | FutureWikiWeblogFeatures | HackYourLifeWithAPrivateWikiNotebookGettingThingsDoneAndOtherSystems | HighlightingAndAnnotating | HowToMakeACompleteMapOfEveryThoughtYouThink | HowWillKeepingANotebookHelpYouHackYourLife | InnerGarden | InsideOutMarkovChain | InstaPaper | IPhone | Journal2013 | MeaningfulLifeRoadmap | MultipleThinkingSpaces | MyBookReadingProcess | MyCollaborationWareHistory | MyPagesWithMostInlinks | MyPdaHistory | NexusSix | NoteBook | PersonalWiki | PickingAWikiForYourPrivateNotebook | PikiPiki | PrivateWeb | PrivateWiki | PrivateWikiNotebook | ProgressNote | PythonOnAndroid | QuickCapture | ShouldAWikiHaveAVersionControlSystem | SimpleNote | SisterSites | StartingAFreshWikiSpace | StudentWikiWeb | TabLet | TiddlyWiki | ToDoList | WhyUseAWikiForYourNotebook | WikIa | WikiAsPim | WikiEbook | WikiFlux | WikiGraph | WikiJunkie | WikiLog | WikiOnN810 | WikiTypes | WikiWeb | WikiWordVsSearch | Zettelkasten
TwinPages: WebSeitzPrivate