(2008-10-21) Cooper Hewitt Free This Week

It's Design Week, so the Cooper Hewitt museum is free all week. There's an interesting-sounding exhibit on Urban Development in China.

There's a free panel discussion tomorrow about the "business of Design". Panelists: Bob Greenberg (RGA), Marissa Mayer (Google), Amy Radin, Citi. (Live Event)

Panel notes:

Toulou, China exhibit

  • history: Fujian Toulou, 5 stories, 800 people, inward-facing for protection

  • macro: 26% fewer city Bicycle-ists 2001-2006; 166 Chinese cities have 1M+ people!

  • Toulou: 6 stories, 245 apts (all 2br, 333sqft, up to 6 adults!)

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