(2012-04-06) Macleod Creative Age Of Education

Hugh MacLeod thinks we need to move to a Creative Age (New Economy vs previous 2 ages: PreIndustrial and Industrial Age) of Educating Kids. *Like most stu­dents, I lear­ned how to learn, basi­cally. I don’t think that’s enough any­more... Kids in the future are simply not going to leave school with this big, bum­per crop of plum jobs wai­ting for them to fill, not like they used to. In the future, kids will leave school and inc­rea­singly be expec­ted to create their own via­ble realities. Like David Gergen allu­ded to, these young adults will be expec­ted not just to do the work, but expec­ted to ACTUALLY invent something. Create something, not just obey orders, not just ful­fill some sort of social role...

As I see it, there are basi­cally two ways, at least if you go at it from a college-age, Star­tUp men­ta­lity. One is the more risky path advo­ca­ted by my won­der­fully lucid friend, Jason Calacanis, to for­get college and ins­tead, “Spend Your College Tui­tion on Being Men­to­red and Star­ting a Com­pany.” That’s pro­bably what I would have cho­sen for myself, nowa­days. That, or appren­ti­cing (ApprenticeShip) for a mas­ter at something, the way English tai­lors learn their craft, or how the adver­ti­sing legend, Dave Trott used to hire kids right off the street in Lon­don and give theme a chance at wri­ting ads (Hence the ear­lier Jiro/Mastery refe­rence]. Lear­ning on the job, as it were. The street-fighter’s approach. Tough, bru­tal, intense, but a first-class edu­ca­tion nonethe­less in the Uni­ver­sity of Life.

The second way is what I see Len Schesinger trying to do at Babson College (College Education).… sha­king things up… evol­ving the idea of school (Busi­nessSchool, any­way) as not just a place of lear­ning, but also as a place of DOING... This is the idea of a college as not just a seat of lear­ning, but an Incubator, of sorts. These days, busi­ness schools like Bab­son aren’t just com­pe­ting Har­vard or Whar­ton, they’re com­pe­ting with Y-Combinator and 500Star­tups.*

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