(2014-09-08) Macbookpro Failing To Connect To Uverse Wifi

Just got new MacBook Pro - 2014-06-11-MacBookProDying.

When first setting up, I believe it connected to the UVerse WiFi ok. But immediately went into process of restoring from Time Machine Back Up, so didn't really check.

Since restore is done, can't connect to WiFi. The WiFi icon in the ribbon-bar keeps flashing some up-arrow icon with the regular radio-rings. If I open Network Preferences, the status keeps flashing back and forth between "wifi is turned on but not connected to a network" and "wifi is connected to ... and has the IP address".

Tried changing the UVerse router channel. Didn't help.

Changed the router encryption from WPA to WEP-open.

  • other IMac still connecting fine.
  • but now MacBook Pro fails to connect in different way - times out from the "connecting to..." process.
  • also my Nexus Seven fails to connect now - I Forgot the network, re-connected, it accepted the password, saved the network, but never actually connects to it. Tried soft-reset, still couldn't connect.
  • So changed back to WPA. Nexus Seven now connecting fine again.

(At multiple points in the process, have removed the Network Location from the list of remembered networks. That hasn't helped, either. Also rebooted once.)

Also note, there's a gpg-client process in the mix which is failing to start. Maybe figure out how to remove that, then restart? Hrm, doesn't seem possible without a network to download uninstaller from.

Drove to McDonalds - couldn't connect to their WiFi either. But confirms that this is just a MacBook Pro issue, UVerse is irrelevant factor.

Try MacOs X Mavericks dump-BlueTooth-prefs hack. (Upon restart, found start-gpg-agent.app ref, found the file, deleted it.) Didn't solve Wi F I problem.

  • I have 10.9.4, and others (see comments) still have WiFi problems which were supposedly fixed by this update.

Oh, goody, here's a long list of things to try.

  • PRAM reset: Done/fail.
  • SMC reset: done/fail
  • Set service order
    • can't seem to save name of new Location - if click Done end up with an "Untitled"
    • never get "set service order" menu options - only options are "Duplicate" and "Rename"
    • but after I hit Apply in network prefs, I seem to be connected!

Oct09'2014: Just had the same thing happen. This time the steps above weren't enough to solve the problem. Had to go further in that last link and delete a whole system-config prefs directory.

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