(2020-04-02) Cutler 1s And 3s

John Cutler on 1s and 3s. Imagine that at any given time there is work happening across a series of time-scales. I use a basic system of 1s and 3s. It looks like this: 1-3hrs; 1-3days; 1-3weeks; 1-3months; 1-3quarters; 1-3years; 1-3decades.

Every 1-3 hour bet connects to a 1-3 day bet. Every 1-3 day bet connects to a 1-3 week bet and so on -- all the way up to 1-3 years and 1-3 decades.

Product Team member should be able to trace their 1-3 hour work chunks all the way up to the company's 1-3 year bets. Without skipping steps.

Ah, this connects to the North-Star Playbook section on "Connecting the Framework to the Work through Levels of Bets" (Thinking in Bets)

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