SubWay integrates CherryPy with complementary libraries to assemble a coherent framework...
- so does TurboGears
Buffet supports lots of Template System-s with CherryPy
contra Quixote
seems to have issue with running multiple applications, which means it doesn't work with Python Paste.
but SubWay is based on CherryPy, and there are Python Paste-friendly efforts for SubWay. So not clear... So I Commented there
Rhubarb Tart mimics CherryPy to some extent, with WSGI/Python Paste support.
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BackLinks: 2004-08-30-PyWebOff | 2005-04-15-WebConcurrencyModels | 2005-09-19-TurbogearsFramework | 2006-01-21-BickingCherrypyRant | 2006-01-28-GuideWebFrameworks | 2007-02-07-CherrypyVsPaste | 2008-04-07-BigtableService | 2008-09-19-PythonPlatformOfChoice | CherryPy | FreedomBox | GoogleAppEngine | LivingIndependently | PythonWebFramework | SubWay | TurboGears | WSGI
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