Python-specific Web Server Gateway Interface - alternative to CGI.
reference Wiki
a way to integrate apps written in different Python Web Framework-s?
- deployment: Apache with mod_wsgi (Mod Wsgi)
- update: recommended method is probably to run with UWsgi behind NginX.
by Phillip J Eby - WSGI in itself is just a Python encoding of HTTP, nothing more
list of implementations
- Guido Van Rossum is supporting (Feb14'2006) using Phillip J Eby's implementation in the Python standard library
- Alan Kennedy compares it to Python Paste and CherryPy components as alternative candidates (though he was looking at the wrong chunk of CherryPy code)
Les Orchard is a fan - I realized that it also makes web apps composable... I think one of the reasons I've been so taken with WSGI is that it's not another damn FrameWork.
- related comment by Ian Bicking
- related anti-FrameWork rant by Andy Smith
Mike Orr article:
related: Python Paste
Allan Saddi's flup package provides utilities, including adaptors for FastCGI and SCGI.
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BackLinks: 2005-11-16-WSGI | 2005-12-08-Pylons | 2006-02-01-BickingWriteYourOwnFrameworkWsgi | 2006-05-28-PythonGoogleSummerOfCode | 2006-10-01-GregorioDisposablePythonWebFramework | 2006-10-18-GregorioRadicalSimplicity | 2006-11-30-AspenWebServer | 2007-01-04-UdellCommunitySite | 2007-01-26-UriPathParsing | 2007-02-11-EbyWsgiMiddleware | 2007-02-21-BickingPycon | 2007-04-20-ArnoRipFramework | 2007-10-26-RepozeZopeWsgi | 2007-12-12-GluonPythonWebFramework | 2008-01-17-BickingPhpDeploymentWsgi | 2008-04-07-BigtableService | 2009-05-08-BfgFramework | 2009-08-12-BennettRonacherWsgiIssues | 2009-10-15-UnixPreforkingServers | 2009-10-17-Spawning | 2012-10-16-SettingUpHostingForSimplestThing | 2012-12-30-GriffithsPythonVsNodejs | CherryPy | ChumBy | CloningZwikiWithMoinmoin | GoogleAppEngine | GUnicorn | MemCached | MyghtY | PhillipJEby | ProxyServer | PyLons | PyThon | PythonPaste | PythonWebFramework | RhubarbTart | RoBaccia | SelectOr | TracWiki | UWsgi | WebOb | WebPy | WebServer | WerkZeug | WSGI
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