lots of Virtual Community stuff: Weblog Engine, polls, Discussion Forum
written in PHP
Civic Space is a distribution of Drupal for online organizing.
Acquia, founded by Drupal founder, does commercial support http://ostatic.com/blog/acquia-supporting-the-drupal-cms-adds-200-new-customers
Press Flow is a semi-fork of Drupal providing better Scalability.
It seems that you can run on MsWindows, even with MsSqlServer. (Unlike Word Press, which will work with MsWindows but only wants MySQL for a db.)
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BackLinks: 2006-11-27-KlingUsEntrepreneurialCulture | 2012-03-03-ObamaInterviewIranThreaten | 2012-06-02-UsIsraelCreatedStuxnet | 2024-07-01-HuntJoeBidenAndTheCommonKnowledgeGame | 2025-02-05-ExecutiveOrdersInTheSecondPresidencyOfDonaldTrump | AirPort | IsraelHamasWar2023 | IsraelI | SovereignTy | WarOnIran
TwinPages: AlexSchroeder