Open Source Relational Data Base engine. Known for simplicity and speed.
Part of the LAMP platform.
- To group on weeks or months (or hours) use
- for weeks use%V
instead of%Y
- to add/subtract date intervals:
date_add(<value>, interval <n> days)
- difference between 2 values:
datediff(<bigger>, <smaller>)
values - which you can wrap withtruncate(time_to_sec())
timestampdiff(<unit>, <smaller>, <bigger>)
(returns integer)- if you're going to do a group-by/sum on elapsed time, use
as your interval and/60
, to avoid rounding error (it returns integers)
- if you're going to do a group-by/sum on elapsed time, use
- to manually group values of a field into buckets, use
- when parameterizing ad-hoc queries with variables, improve performance by casting variable as same type as column:
set @lastName=CONVERT(CAST('Smith' AS CHAR(32)) USING ASCII);
- to reference JSON piece: use column->path like
correlated subquery (subquery takes field value from outer query as a param): using exists
old notes
But doesn't support transactions and other "advanced" features. For that you typically use PostgreSQL.
- but few websites really use/need transactions, and Scalability is pushing people away from those features.
Do FederatedTables allow greater scale-out of a schema that uses foreign keys, etc.?
installing on MacOs X
- building
- see some comments
- MAMP - yes, I did that.
- "still some issues on Tiger"
- what are they? just the "shared library" problem?
- I'm actually still running Panther.
- Mark Pilgrim on the joys of not building yourself.
- see some comments
Command Line interface: 'mysql'
GUI tools
- Security concerns often keep you from using such things (because you make your db as inaccessible as possible, except from other machines behind that firewall)
batch input/output
- output/export: "mysqldump" from Command Line
- import: "source" from inside mysql
date queries: MySQL doesn't have as nice date_trunc and date_part functions as PostgreSQL.
- you can use date(timestamp) to group by whole-date
- there's a month() function but that gives you just the month-number, so doesn't work for cross-year queries
- though I suppose you could break on year() and month()
monitoring tools (recommended by friend May'2011)
- slow query log
- Percona allows you to get below 1 second minimum
- Percona also particularly helpful in MultiCore servers
- Percona allows you to get below 1 second minimum
- Running "mysqladmin processlist > "/tmp/mysqlplog" ; sleep 5" in the background
- Zabbix
- mytop
- spotlight - run it for an hour to collect data then turn off - adds load to server
- MySQL Tuner - could help diagnose if your mysql instance is configured/tuned correctly for your workload
- If you're running innodb storage engine, innotop will give you 'top' style real-time view into your databases
- Maatkit would let you look at all aspects of your instance including slow query logs
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