
http://futureoftext.org symposium run by Liquid Information

cf (2020-02-24) Rao A Text Renaissance, (2018-11-15) Books Vs Tweets

2020 Vision Book

Table of Contents because of the one in the ebook is useless.

Growing out of the annual Symposium, we have put together a book published by Future Text Publishing on the possible futures of text which has turned out to be the largest survey of the future of text ever undertaken, with a wide range of different perspectives and inspirations.

The book is intended to be a collection of dreams for how we want text to evolve as well as how we understand our current textual infrastructures, how we view the history of writing and much more. The aim is to make it inspire a powerfully rich future of text in a multitude of ways today and to still have value in a thousand years and beyond. It should serve as a record for how we saw the medium of text and how it relates to our world, our problems and each other in the early twenty first century.*

authors, artists & publishers (super-long list)

The digital version will be published in open PDF and will be bundled with a much-upgraded Liquid | Reader which will have as many of the features listed in the link below as we can find money to pay for the programming of. The idea is to present the book in a format that actually delivers some futuristic and useful interactions, including copy and paste as gig-resolution citation from a document with different authors of different chapters

Reader Future of Text

We are planning to produce the most powerful PDF reader for academic documents as a way to demonstrate some of the potential of richly interactive text for The Future of Text book and to be of useful value in itself.

Draft intro to FoT Book – liquid thoughts

We are at an age where we are stuck between the linear-only text past and the multi-connected opportunities to portray the truly multi-dimensional space of knowledge which are currently possible and the reality that thought is sequential, and arguments are sequential–we don’t yet know how to accommodate both truths though we know the path forward somehow deals with the linearised and the multi-dimensional.

Goodbye Gutenberg, Greetings Global Brain.

Student Competition – Future Text Publishing

The Future of Text is the widest survey of the potential futures of text, a project coming out of 10 years of annual Symposium on The Future of Text: futureoftext.org

we are looking for personal passions, whether it be for text on screens or text on paper, whether it be for typefaces, hypertext linking, libraries, neuroscience, books or social media–whatever you feel is important to write about and think about.

The judging panel will be led by the Editor of the book, Frode Hegland.

Though digital text can be produced and transmitted at great speed, digital text is in most ways flat–disconnected with the contexts which created it and un-graspable by the receiver to manipulate it.

We are now entering a digital habitat, much like we first stepped out of the oceans partly as amphibians who needed access to water and then later as dry-natives who only dipped in for food or fun. We are now stepping into what I like to call another liquid environment–an environment where the potential for rich and smooth interactions are immense.

Edited:    |       |    Search Twitter for discussion