
Mobile OS created in 2010 by merging Intel's Mob Lin and Nokia's Mae Mo. (Linux[[OS]])

On 27 September 2011 it was announced by Intel employee Imad Sousou that in collaboration with Samsung MeeGo will be replaced by Tizen during 2012. Nokia in turn is said to develop its own successor Meltemi targeted at feature phones. Community developers from the Mer project however plan to continue MeeGo without Intel and Nokia. So far it is not clear whether they will be allowed to continue to use the MeeGo trademark.

Plasma Active is a joint project by the KDE community, basysKom and open-slx... There are different images of Plasma Active available: One Mer based image and one MeeGo based, both provided by basysKom and one running on Balsam provided by open-slx... Plasma Active runs now on Intel x86 and ARM platforms, supporting more mobile devices like the We Tab/Exo P C, Advent Vega, Point of View and ArChos as well as N950.

Mar'2012: Make Play Live is producing a Tablet called Vivaldi (used to be KDE Spark - 2012-02-14-SparkLinuxTablet). What you should really know is that at heart, it is just a giant Goog Gle Nexus S.

May'2013: Jolla, the Finnish MeeGo startup composed of ex-Nokians building their own mobile hardware and Sailfish OS, has finally taken the wraps off its first handset, revealing what the hardware will look like on its website... Jolla’s handset will cost €399 ($513) and is slated to ship at the end of the year.

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