"created" by David Belle
- Video:David+Belle+Parkour
excellent Video, including bit at the crazy wall where David Belle does lots of training Inspiration for parkour came from many sources, the foremost being the "Natural Method of Physical Culture" developed by Georges Hebert in the early twentieth century. French soldiers in Vietnam were inspired by Hebert's work and created what is now known parcours du combattant. David Belle was introduced to the obstacle course training as well as Hebert's methode naturelle by his father, Raymond Belle, a French soldier who practiced the two disciplines. This art originated with French soldiers in Vietnam and was developed by David Belle, inspired by his father.
Free Running was meant to start out an anglosized term for Parkour. It was first suggested to Sebastien Foucan during the fliming of Jump London. Free Running has grown to be descriptive of a sort of "cousin" activity to Parkour - Free Running is more expressive and creative in nature, with moves such as acrobatics, flips, and spins added for flair, creativity, or just because someone wants to. The main difference then between Parkour and Free Running is that Parkour is defined by purpose "get somewhere quickly and efficiently using the human body", and Free Running is defined by the activity or art of moving through your environment however you want, moving your way, following your own path.
referenced in issue6 of Warren Ellis's Global Frequency
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