Speed WebLog Entry

Current process:

  • go to WebLog Index page

  • edit page to add a reference to a new date-stamped entry (in practice, I typically start the day by adding ~4 at one time - then I either have unused Wiki Names at the end of the day, or I have to add more batches later (ending up with unused names)). Save change

  • click on appropriate datestamp Wiki Name (If I haven't reloaded the WebLog Index page since my last entry, there's a risk of clicking on a stamp that's already been used. Not the end of the world if it happens. And can avoid by noting the color of the question-mark. But still sloppy.)

  • Make entry, save.

Preferred process:

  • go to new-blog-entry page

  • fill in form. Save. It generates its own id automatically

Log of work (move to Zwiki Customizations?)


  • note URL of new-entry form under current manual approach is 'WebLog Index/editform?page=z2002-03-20-f'

  • confirmed that manually hitting that URL auto-generates the same hidden fields as if I'd followed the question-mark link. So perhaps the hackitecture should be to have a simple URL which figures out the appropriate id and then redirects to that URL.

Mar 21

  • make IE Favorites JavaScript shortcut where I enter the date-stamp and it generates the correct entry form. I just have to keep track of which letter I'm up to. Then manually ping weblogs.com.

    • actually, changed to using real words in title instead of just sequential letter

    • bookmark script is::

    javascript:window.location='http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/WebLog Index/editform?page='%20+%20escape(prompt('Add Wiki Web Log for?',%20'z2005-mm-dd-a'));

  • Which inspired me to make another Favorite which pings weblogs.com! Of course these two hacks are tied to this browser on this machine. But that's where I do 99% of my entry for now. So maybe I'll consider this a good application of Buy Build Avoid.

    • hmm, I wonder if I could stick those scripts into a page in the wiki so I could call them from anywhere? I'll worry about that if I start to need it.
  • happened to discover this JavaScript for formatting the current date. Could use this to auto-assign the current date-stamp as a default...

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