User Generated Content
Participatory Media, aka the Two Way Web, stuff made by Amateur-s
Jon Udell and Robert Scoble hate some of the subtext.
Umair Haque says we should instead refer to User Generated Context: a complement to content.
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BackLinks: 2006-06-11-ZuckermanCheapLaptopUpdate | 2006-11-07-GannettCrowdsourcingNews | 2008-02-19-KellyBottomupPlusTopdown | 2008-09-06-SteinUnifiedEbookTheory | 2011-02-16-RockBandGuitarHeroMess | 2013-03-05-GoldbergAnotherContentCompany | 2018-12-07-ChanOutgrowingAdvertisingMultimodalBusinessModelsAsAProductStrategy | 2019-03-30-ProductCampChicago | 2020-05-02-RobloxBelievesUsergeneratedContentWillBringUsTheMetaverse | 2020-12-07-LaiMeetMeInTheMetaverse | 2021-02-28-OutlierVenturesOpenMetaverseOSWhitepaper | ContentModeration | DisruptingClass | OpenVenture | PaidSite | PeerProduction | SourcesGoDirect | TwoWayWeb | Web20
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