A P2P secure network protocol. Intended for sharing only within a smallish group, not with the net at large.
Thought of mainly for File Sharing, but also for Instant Messaging and Live Chat (IRC)
Waste Again http://wasteagain.sourceforge.net/introduction.shtml#whats-the-difference-to-original-waste
also a MacOs X Text Editor in Python.
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BackLinks: 2005-06-17-Nokia770Slate | 2005-07-09-GizmoVsSkype | 2006-08-06-GizmoCallOutFree | 2006-10-31-NokiaVoipOverWifi | 2007-06-11-MobileRouteAround | 2007-09-14-GizmoForMobile | 2008-01-10-GizmoForTempOffice | 2008-02-21-NokiaN810AndTmobile | 2008-04-15-PlantronicsHeadset | 2008-04-24-TmobileFlakiness | 2009-04-04-OpenSkySipToSkype | 2009-09-02-MacGizmoUnstable | 2009-10-17-BraySipGizmo | 2009-11-15-GoogleBuysGizmo | 2009-11-25-KumarPredictsNewGooglePhonePlan | MichaelRobertson | MyFamilyPhoneMix | NokiaN810 | VoIP | ZRTP
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