(2007-12-17) Time For Fancy Mobile
Being at DailyLit now, maybe it's time for a fancy Mobile.
Key uses: EMail, Instant Messaging, and SSH. Why: (a) test our service, (b) have Always On ability to respond to problems, when WiFi isn't handy.
Probably stick with Verizon, though might need to reconsider that. (And if I do, does that lead me to IPhone?)
Or maybe I just stick with a MID? I really want to run a local Private Wiki.
The LG En V seems promising though some are not happy. And I don't see any reference to SSH support. And Web Browser is as lame as almost all the non-IPhone choices.
Nokia phones with real Keyboard-s (handled by Verizon) include N95 and E90. They have WiFi.
N95 runs JaiKu, though all online stuff seems to suck Battery Life. It definitely runs SSH.
E90 is a very high-end machine.
I don't know what the Nokia website is thinking, but Verizon doesn't carry those phones!
See also 2007-06-30-WorldPhoneRedux - Jihi has different requirements from me, but we'd want the same carrier. If we go T-Mobile/GSM, could go with either Nokia, or GPhone, or even more Open Cell Phone like OpenMoko...
March update: we'll switch to ATT for official IPhone for her. 2008-03-06-IphoneWorldphone - but not sure what I should do. Might just get free phone for now, wait for GPhone...
Update: didn't buy anything! Both of us using crummy phones with Verizon still.
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