(2008-11-04) My Votes Today

I'll be voting in the Presidential Election today.

I'll vote for Barack Obama. I'm hoping his Liberal tendencies will be moderate in outcome. If John McCain were a real maverick (and not so old, with health issues, etc.) I might go the other way, or at least I'd be looking more closely at issues. But his support for the War On Iraq, Budget Deficit-feeding Tax Cut-s, Torture, and every other George W Bush policy, knock him out of the park.

I've done a bad job of looking at the other elections/candidates. I'll be biased against incumbents (Term Limits) and candidates endorsed by the Working Families Party (ACORN).

US Senate: neither Chuck Schumer nor Hillary Clinton are up for re-election this time.

House Of Representatives: Jerrold Nadler is being challenged by Republican Grace Lin

The New York State Senate might switch from Republican Party to Democratic Party control. Given that both houses are so horrible, I'm not sure that having both controlled by the same party would be an improvement.

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