(2022-05-26) My ToolsForThought talk

I gave a talk for the ToolsForThought-Rocks crowd. Now subtitled "Speedrunning 30 years of hypertexting". Here are my notes/links.


my goals/mindset

my hot-takes

  • it's Claims all the way down
  • language is a model
    • wrong but useful
    • until you treat it as True/objective as context expands
  • so automation is suggestive, not trustworthy
  • so KeepItSimple, WorseIsBetter
  • more people need to BrainFart in Public

timeline: BillSeitzWritingToolHistory

tools: MyDigitalGardeningProcess

  • FluxGarden engine
    • my 3rd
  • Instapaper
    • python scripts
    • folders as pipeline
    • manual editing
  • Android MoonReader
    • on Android phone for epub
    • on Android tablet (PDF)
  • FreeMind



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