(2018-06-20) Wikis And TextBot Hacks
Text games talk
- meta: if you're the only user, code/output can be shitty
- inside-joke
- self-as-alien
- associative
- memory
- thinking
- divergence vs convergence
- associative
- wikis: BillSeitzWritingToolHistory, WikiJunkie
- Confluence, Redmine, Trac
- WikiLog
- multiple engines
- Zope
- StructuredText
- MoinMoin
- plain text files
- hybrid text format
- WikiFlux
- Flask
- postgresql
- CommonMark
- Zope
- WikiGraph
- built for engine-2
- WikiGraphBrowser
- screenshot
- multiple engines
- PrivateWikiNotebook
- different engine
- carried forward notes originally written on Palm3
- even ran on Linux PDAs (N810)
- TextBots
- TwitterBots
- background
- Horse ebooks
- Buster Benson post 2013-09-26-BensonMarkovChainTweets
- Leonard Richardson
- (ReSTful Web Services book)
- sci-fi-book ConstellationGames
- article 2014-12-31-RichardsonWritingAliensOrduchampMarkovQueneauAMostlyDelightfulQuilt
- MarkovChain sounds like an alien
- code
- Horse ebooks
- FirstWorldStoic
- PrivateWikiNotebook
- horse_ebooks
- MarkovChain
- SockPuppet https://twitter.com/puppet_ebooks
- background
- CoachBot
- Inspiration
- GuideToGreatness (History of the 21st Century in 100 Objects)
- (zombie-run)
- people building serious therapeutic bots now 2018-03-23-TheFreudAppsAiVirtualLifeCoachingAndTheFutureOfPsychotherapy
- GuideToGreatness (History of the 21st Century in 100 Objects)
- Eliza
- web packaging: stateless hack (CommonMark)
- static/random keyword-match whacks, links to WikiLog
- InsideOutMarkovChain
- corpus=PrometheusRising
- Next
- RNN?
- public use?
- submit any corpus?
- Personality Test?
- viral loop?
- private vs public?
- Inspiration
- TwitterBots
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