Converting Data From N810 To Nexus One
Need to convert data from my old Nokia N810 to my Nexus One.
data migration from Nokia N810
have Back Up on SD card from Dec26. Giving up on more recent changes.
backups are bunch of zip files, each of which unzips into directory tree with hidden directories (use 'ls -la' to list). Copy bits (including WikiLog journal) up to central area - use 'cp -p' to preserve timestamps.
ah, GPE files seem to be SQLite 2.1 files! Hmm, can anything consume those directly?
GMail contacts: nope
Mac Address Book: nope
ThunderBird: nope
let's step back a moment, and figure out what we really want in migration
Address Book: yes, want those records imported. Note will be some crossover with existing GMail Address Book, but not that much.
Calendar: most events are in past. Would be ok to (a) browse future and manually re-enter, and (b) at some point export to a format consistent with other records. Is that G Cal, or Structured Wiki/YAML or what?
- browsed file via Text Editor: hard to be certain, but pretty sure there's nothing there for the future (besides repeating events) (I know there are some new ones, but added since that Back Up, so screwed anyway.)
To DoList: similar to Calendar - could manually deal with incomplete tasks. Which may be key because G Cal Tasks doesn't even have an import function! Or plenty of other features! But it does have Hierarchal Structure and simple manual drag-and-drop ordering, which could be a big win. Wait, it has not export (at least as of Jul'2009)! In Aug'2009 they added ability to email a Task list, but that doesn't include any date data. That's a deal-breaker.
Remember The Milk? Free for web side, but Android app/synch requires $25/yr. (Though maybe could access via web?) Export seems to be only to Mac ICal, and only includes tasks with due dates!
Astrid: Android only, no Lap Top access. Hmm, no worse than N810 habits... Though concerned about whether phone import will be comfy enough to use 100% of time... (And export seems to be counting on Remember The Milk synch, which seems currently broken!)
Toodle Do has export/import.
hmm, back to Wiki As PIM thinking for Tasks (and rendering Calendar history)... (if use non-Wiki PlainText, sync with Sugar Sync?)
- hmm for Wiki As PIM, is my Private Wiki going to run local or in MoinMoin cloud?
data migration from Nokia N810
try /usr/bin/sqlite3 - won't open db
try SQLite Database Browser - won't open 2.1 dbs
try sqlite-manager FireFox plugin - won't open db
try Razor Sql: seems to use existing sqlite3 code on machine, so no go.
try SQLiteManager ($49, using demo mode): yes it opens. Can export CSV in paid version.
raw records (744) are in 'events' table, with key field='uid'
start time is 'start' says it's a time field; duration is integer with odd values (ah, it's seconds+1, so 30min=1801)
name/description is in 'calendar' table joined with uid field
- title uses c.tag='summary', body desc uses c.tag='description'
To DoList
table 'todo' with uid, tag, value (max(uid)=1444);
select count(*) from todo_urn
=1235 -
tags: title is 'SUMMARY', body is 'DESCRIPTION', due-date is 'DUE', priority is 'PRIORITY' (if no due-date, then there is no record with tag='DUE')
status is 'state' value 0,1,2,3 (open, in-progress, completed, abandoned) (num records 71, 6, 1140, 18)
priority has value 0, 5, 9 (num records 4, 416, 815)
Address Book ('contacts')
table contact_urn has 610 records, couple name fields (name, family_name, company) with an urn
for people with no Company, you have null company, and family_name is last-name
for people with a Company, family_name=last_name and company=company name)
for business with no person, all 3 fields equal
- there are some exceptions, probably want to focus where name=company
table contacts_config defines 3 vague fields or something
table contacts has total 5916 fields, bec 22tag values. Matches to 609 or 610 real records.
weirdly, have tags NAME, FAMILY_NAME, GIVEN_NAME, and COMPANY
similar not-quite-consistent weirdness as noted above for companies with-or-without person
lots of cases where record exists but is empty
tag='NOTES' and tag='COMMENT' are identical (except 18 records: some just url-encoding, some real differences, some look identical) (also there are 29 more NOTES than COMMENT-s)
data migration: bought SQLiteManager for $49
Calendar app
events.recur=0 if non-recurring
looks like recur=3 is quarterly (or every 6?): only ongoing event is "Change dishwasher filter" starting Mar20'2010. But past one is "pay COBRA", so is it monthly?
recur=4 is annual
recur=2 is weekly - entered bunch
recur=1 is daily - nothing there needing re-entry. There are a few cases with no e.rend (end-date) - I think those had repeats based on "do n times". Not going to worry about it (for archiving).
recur=0 is normal. Only a few future entries in there, all school-days-off. Entered.
To Do: blech that massive tag table
STATE=1 no tasks worth entering
play with filtered export using select uid, tag, value from todo where tag in ('SUMMARY','DESCRIPTION', 'STATE', 'PRIORITY', 'DUE') and uid in (select uid from todo where tag='STATE' and value=0); query gives 261 records. Yes it worked.
manually entered the open tasks I want
exported all for archive
look at Google spec, not much detail
have a header line with field names
fields: 'name' or 'last name' and 'first name' (yes, I'm going to just use 'name'; 'company'
Address Book fields used, minus those being skipped
TITLE 546 (all empty - skip)
export complete tables just to have
more crazy data in file
often have 'WORK.EMAIL'='HOME.EMAIL'; don't see that with phone numbers
hmm, few city/state/zip data, that's ok
see 8 record with 2 'HOME.TELEPHONE' different entries
filter tags that I want to keep (e.g. no name fields, taking those from other table): 780 records
export Address Book from ThunderBird: header line looks like: First Name,Last Name,Display Name,Nickname,Primary Email,Secondary Email,Work Phone,Home Phone,Fax Number,Pager Number,Mobile Number,Home Address,Home Address 2,Home City,Home State,Home Zip Code,Home Country,Work Address,Work Address 2,Work City,Work State,Work Zip Code,Work Country,Job Title,Department,Organization,Web Page 1,Web Page 2,Birth Year,Birth Month,Birth Day,Custom 1,Custom 2,Custom 3,Custom 4,Notes
realize that those dupe 'HOME.TELEPHONE' cases are going to cause problems (because Python dictionary code will just overwrite the 1st value with the 2nd). I could just ignore it and let myself end up with the random value. Decide to report/save the list of dupes, then let the code ignore the issue, then can over-write by hand after importing or something.
doh, realize that filtered export didn't include 'NOTES' or 'COMMENT'. Re-export.
have to turn quotes into single-quotes, etc.
decide to tweak my 1 case of 'WORK.MOBILE' by changing it to 'HOME.MOBILE'
Data migration: Address Book
finish code, results look ok
import (25 records) into GMail - all data ending up in Notes field!
find lots of other people complaining
export from GMail, try to mimic field names. Even that doesn't work.
Suspect need to include every single field from their template: Name,Given Name,Additional Name,Family Name,Yomi Name,Given Name Yomi,Additional Name Yomi,Family Name Yomi,Name Prefix,Name Suffix,Initials,Nickname,Short Name,Maiden Name,Birthday,Gender,Location,Billing Information,Directory Server,Mileage,Occupation,Hobby,Sensitivity,Priority,Subject,Notes,Group Membership,E-mail 1 - Type,E-mail 1 - Value,E-mail 2 - Type,E-mail 2 - Value,Phone 1 - Type,Phone 1 - Value,Phone 2 - Type,Phone 2 - Value,Phone 3 - Type,Phone 3 - Value,Address 1 - Type,Address 1 - Formatted,Address 1 - Street,Address 1 - City,Address 1 - PO Box,Address 1 - Region,Address 1 - Postal Code,Address 1 - Country,Address 1 - Extended Address,Organization 1 - Type,Organization 1 - Name,Organization 1 - Yomi Name,Organization 1 - Title,Organization 1 - Department,Organization 1 - Symbol,Organization 1 - Location,Organization 1 - Job Description
- blech hate those "- Type" fields. Will have to do those by hand in spreadsheet.
try Outlook-format export from GMail: different set of fields (and can't seem to have combined Name here, have to split up first/last): First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,Title,Suffix,Initials,Web Page,Gender,Birthday,Anniversary,Location,Language,Internet Free Busy,Notes,E-mail Address,E-mail 2 Address,E-mail 3 Address,Primary Phone,Home Phone,Home Phone 2,Mobile Phone,Pager,Home Fax,Home Address,Home Street,Home Street 2,Home Street 3,Home Address PO Box,Home City,Home State,Home Postal Code,Home Country,Spouse,Children,Manager's Name,Assistant's Name,Referred By,Company Main Phone,Business Phone,Business Phone 2,Business Fax,Assistant's Phone,Company,Job Title,Department,Office Location,Organizational ID Number,Profession,Account,Business Address,Business Street,Business Street 2,Business Street 3,Business Address PO Box,Business City,Business State,Business Postal Code,Business Country,Other Phone,Other Fax,Other Address,Other Street,Other Street 2,Other Street 3,Other Address PO Box,Other City,Other State,Other Postal Code,Other Country,Callback,Car Phone,ISDN,Radio Phone,TTY/TDD Phone,Telex,User 1,User 2,User 3,User 4,Keywords,Mileage,Hobby,Billing Information,Directory Server,Sensitivity,Priority,Private,Categories
trying to stick with Google-native format.
hmm, how deal with multi (possible) phones plus faxes, if they only show 3 phone types?
making my record have lots of numbers and 2 addresses, and exporting again.
ah, now have 7 different phones. And 2 Addresses (they split up addresses into components, I'll try just stuff into 'Address 1 - Formatted')
re-generated, pasted in header, opened in OpenOffice to tweak header and fill Type fields. Imported trial group: yes!
imported all. Merged dupes (note lots of old records had stuff jammed into Notes, that doesn't go away unless I edit them by hand)
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