Open Source Relational Data Base.
Came from Ingres
Older notes
Not quite as fast as MySQL, and a little more complicated to work with (supposedly), but supports more complex functionality, OReilly Practical PostgreSQL book free online
Simple Mac install -
MsWindows GUI
Before launching in Command Line do su - postgres
To import when starting
- create db first with user.
psql {databasename} < {data_base_dump.sql}
To quit: \q<enter>
played with Stored Procedure to basically return a bunch of base fields plus calculated params for a single record, but then found that I'd need to spec the schema in the query that called the proc, which seemed horribly coupled, so dropped that approach....
FUNCTION prod.client_vacation_view(int4) RETURNS record AS...
...SELECT client_id, last_name from clients into output WHERE...
...return output
but then
select * from client_vacation_view(200) as (client_id int, last_name varchar(128));
JSON support
Python-related links
- Joel Burton on PostgreSQL, Python, and Zope
- speed comparison from May'2003 - I'm probably going to switch to Po Py, or "dumb down" the interface and just use Pg
- problems with 8-byte integers?
- this page also adds test for 'psycopg' which scores almost as well as Po Py and doesn't have that 8-byte problem.
- this message also supports psycopg
- problems with 8-byte integers?
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BackLinks: 2003-02-06-Exchange4Linux | 2003-10-21-SqlPricesDropping | 2004-01-14-ZopeWithinPostgresql | 2004-01-18-PostgresqlTimezone | 2006-08-06-BizgressBusinessIntel | 2007-09-10-PostgresVsMysql | 2007-11-20-ScobleServerlessCompanies | 2008-10-08-SchlossnagleCtoClub | 2010-08-31-IndelicatoMixingSqlAndNosql | 2011-10-01-HerokuAddsPythonDjango | 2012-10-16-SettingUpHostingForSimplestThing | 2013-02-05-AtwoodDiscourseForumSoftware | 2020-09-25-SettingUpNewMacBookPro | 2021-05-30-UpdatingWikiGraphBacklinksInRealTime | 2021-07-21-UdellAVirtuousCycleForAnalytics | 2021-08-29-AddingPostgresqlFullTextSearchToFluxGarden | 2021-09-09-UdellQueryLikeIts2022 | 2022-02-01-UdellHowSqlCanUnifyAccessToApis | 2022-03-10-SteampipeDashboardsAsCodeWithHclSql | 2022-08-17-UdellPostgresEverywhere | 2022-10-20-TfTRProgrammableSpatialCanvases | 2023-08-10-WillisonRunningADjangoAndPostgresqlDevelopmentEnvironmentInGithubCodespaces | 2024-08-16-McCueJustUsePostgres | AmazonRds | BugZilla | ChangingManagedHostingProviders | DisCourse | EtSy | FlaskForWikiEngine | HypothesIs | IndieWebReader | JavaTimezoneProblem | LAMP | LivingIndependently | MemCached | MichaelStonebraker | MsWindows | MySQL | NewsBlur | NodeWeb2030 | NoSQL | Observable | PersonalCloud | PostgreSQL | PostgresqlTimezoneProblem | PythonWebFramework | RelationalDataBase | SesAme | SQL | Steampipe | TheoSchlossnagle | ThingDB | WebWare | WikifluxForPrivatewiki | WikiGraph
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