aka Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
associated with ADD
RSD is a condition in which a person feels extreme emotional sensitivity and pain due to perceived or actual rejection, teasing, or criticism. Researchers are still unsure about the connection between RSD and ADHD. However, some suggest that it might relate to emotional dysregulation, which is the inability to manage emotional responses to stimuli and keep them within the usual range of reactions... It is a serious condition that can result in low mood and self-esteem and is not a person being overly sensitive... A person may sometimes internalize this overwhelming emotional sensation, causing a low mood and withdrawal from the situation. Alternatively, they may externalize their feelings, which could take the form of sudden anger or rage... as rejection is difficult to measure, other experts may not acknowledge RSD. They may also disregard it because it can present similarly to other conditions, such as depression, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and social phobia.
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