Huge Invention
Something to Change The World (Technological Determinism, Technological Revolution) (Evolution) (to solve a Grand Challenge?)
Oct'2014: Greatest changes of past 1000 years.
750: Joint-stock corporation (Tang dynasty)
1440: Printing Press
1474: Patent
1590/1608: Microscope, Telescope
1821: Electricity (Faraday motor)
1885: AutoMobile
1895: Radio
1903: Airplane (Kitty Hawk)
1928: Penicillin/Antibiotic
1951: Nuclear power (EBR-I)
1955: Polio Vaccine (Vaccination)
~1960 Norman Borlaug rice (Green Revolution)
1975 UNIX-4 (written in C, to spread)
1989 World Wide Web (1993: NCSA Mosaic)
1994 Dave Winer starts blogging
1995 WikiWikiWeb
See img at Where Good Ideas Come From.
do Great Books count? great Computer Games?
the Eliezer Yudkowsky ambition scale
- We're going to build the next FaceBook!
- We're going to found the next Apple Computer!
- Our product will create sweeping political change! This will produce a major economic revolution in at least one country! (Sea-Steading would be change on this level if it worked; creating a new country successfully is around the same level of change as this.)
- Our product is the next nuclear weapon. You wouldn't want that in the wrong hands, would you?
- This is going to be the equivalent of the invention of electricity if it works out.
- We're going to make an IQ-enhancing (Intelligence Increase) drug and produce basic change in the human condition.
- We're going to build serious Eric Drexler-class molecular nanotechnology.
- We're going to upload a human brain (Mind Upload) into a computer.
- We're going to build a recursively self-improving Artificial Intelligence.
- We think we've figured out how to hack into the computer our universe is running on. (see Digital Philosophy)
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