Starting A Fresh Wiki Space
People often get the "BlankPage" freakout when faced with a new/empty WikiSpace. Here are some ideas:
For a public-readable WikiLog
- start with a page that lists ideas that interest you: make each a WikiWord, start writing short pages for each one. A couple of my pages that look like that: Worldview Roadmap, My Recent Key Pages
- then start making a new fresh page for each thing you read, cross-referencing one of those idea pages (or a new WikiWord, which you don't even have to create yet if you don't want to)
- suck in your Twitter (or other stream) history and make each one a page (this would take some software games): PESOS, Integrating Linkblogging Bookmarking Microblogging Into Wikilog
For a Private Wiki: the Hack Your Life With A Private Wiki Notebook Getting Things Done And Other Systems links to multiple pages with tactical advice on adding new content.
See the TeamWiki page for a list of pages that make sense in that scenario.
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