(2003-12-30) Abbe Dialogue Democracy

Via John Abbe:

see Collaboration Ware, Engagement

But (feeling low) does this matter? What is our scope of influence?

2004/01/01 02:43 GMT
Wanting more hope, Bill? I can tell you how i get mine if you want. My scope of influence varies wildly. And yes, i am hoping something like a Pattern Language emerges on the new NCDD wiki. --John Abbe

  • response: oops, that used to say your scope of influence, sounding like I was challenging John himself. I meant how much influence do any of us have? I'm feeling a bit despondent over the significance of SmallWorld attempts to achieve a more Open Society... -BillSeitz

2004/01/07 11:51 GMT
I understood it as meaning all of us, "your" and now "our". Did you see anything in particular that leads to your despondence over more emergence of Open Society? --John Abbe

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