(2011-05-23) Startup Lessons Learned Conference

The Startup Lessons Learned Conference is going on today: Lean Startup tribe.

Someone else's [notes](http://typewith.me/Ing7xme Tdx).

Eric Ries keynote:

  • (Every FeedBack loop should be framed like OODA.)

  • Test product pitch with Splash Page site before building anything.

  • "InnovationAccounting" - build MVP, measure baseline Business Model stats, then start Learning process of improvement, Pivot if not getting progress.

Mitch Kapor with Eric Ries

David Binetti: Votizen - when/how Pivot

  • Lean Startup approach:

  • a Pivot is a restatement of your Business Model

    • doesn't necessitate changing your product
    • driven by your Vision instead of testing (A-B Test)
  • Votizen case

    • 1.0 created AARRR Metrics to track, didn't guess at what they would be. Spent 6 weeks building, got some stats
    • Did A-B Test work to move things along. Still no revenue!
    • When Pivot? When you hit local maxima (stop improving) while still not Sustainable.
    • How Pivot? Go talk to customers, leveraging what you've already learned with new info, in hopes of triggering inspiration.
    • Votizen v2: use Twitter to get activation easier: saw good bump, but still not enough to be sustainable.
    • Came up with v3, validated by talking to customers, spent big chunk of money to make it. Revenue got worse!
    • v4 looked more like AdWords, pay via Credit Card (instead of Enterprise purchase), got big jump up on Revenue metric. A basis for raising money.
    • Act Lean, but Think Big!
  • Steve Blank

    • Board Meeting-s are stupid. (Sounds like he's building to a pitch for a webapp...)
    • Taking lessons from his recent course, the blogging that students did. Anchor that to Lean Canvas. Update the canvas 1/week, with changes in red. He brings up Ben(?) from Lean Launch Lab.
    • he has 5 VC-s supporting the idea.

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